Wednesday, 24 October 2012 By: Team RK,Techfest Green Campus Challenge


Save Water Save Lives (SWSL) is an activity (program) to supply clean water to desperate people in underdeveloped countries through a planned system of water catchment, storage and reticulation. Also to instruct the Nationals in methods of concrete tank construction and encourage them to maintain and protect the water supply system. Education in hygiene is also offered
The Activity involves teams of RAWCS SAVE WATER SAVE LIVES VOLUNTEERS who travel to areas in Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, India, Indonesia for a period of 10 days, to instruct the Nationals in the skills of concrete tank construction ranging in storage capacity from 2,000 litres to 40,000 litres The method using steel formwork moulding is used in earthquake prone areas where trans- port is available A system of ferro-cement tank building is used in inaccessible locations such in mountainous regions It is very cost efficient and does not need the heavy (4 tonnes) steel formwork, using instead bird wire and very light reinforcing. Working manuals have been produced to assist in the instruction.
Over 350 concrete tanks using the steel formwork method have been built since 1986, many of the projects have attracted Rotary Foundation 3H Grants, Matching Grants and AusAID subsidies Various other types of tanks are used where necessary such as fibre glass tanks and Aqua-Iok kit steel tanks with plastic liner, and Rotartanks are popular because of ease of transportation, slung under a helicopter.
Other water projects such as tube wells in Zambia to piping water to tap-stands in 12 villages from a spring in the highlands near Mt Hagen PNG are projects which were designed by the Engineering and Health Departments of provincial Governments. The World Health Organisation has also been involved in the planning of projects. Funding only projects are listed in the Projects Funding (IPAC SWSL) section Funds are always required.


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